Auto Glass Repair Services
ASAP specializes in Auto Glass repairs. Over 28 years experience in the field. This is what we do best at. Rest assured if you pick ASAP for your automotive glass repairs, you will have top quality, trustworthy repairs. We believe in our ability to repair your glass so much that we provide a worksmanship/leak free guarantee for the life of the vehicle. This means that if there are any errors or a leak in your windshield/glass replacement we will come back and fix it, free of charge! It should be noted that we have not had to do this once yet!
Windshield Replacement-
Most of the work we do is windshield replacement, it's what we are best at! As one of the most experienced in the industry we guarantee top quality on all replacements. Not only that, we do it at a lower cost than our competitors.
In order to perform the repair we first take out the existing window. Dont worry about your registration/inspection stickers or any other stickers you may have on your windshield, we will be able to take them off without any trouble. Once we get the windshield out we use only the best primers and urethane, ensuring that you have no leaks, before placing the new windshield in the vehicle. Once we do that we clean everything up from the floor to the outside of the windshield leaving your car with a fresh new look. We stongly suggest not driving the vehicle until 1-3 hours after the replacement has been finished. Worksmanship/leak free guarantee for the life of the vehicle included.
Rear Windshield Replacement-
Rear windshields are made to shatter upon impact. This is for the safety of the persons inside the vehicle. The glass breaks into small pieces to reduce injury if people should be in the vehicle during the damage. Unfortunetly this creates a big mess. What we do is remove the glass with a vacuum, remove any remaining glass attached to the vehicle, and perform a process similar to replacing a front windshield. Then we ensure that defrost and any other technological capabilities are back in working order.
Door Glass-
The door glass of a vehicle is also made to shatter like the rear windshield. In the case of a door glass repair, what we do is remove the door panel so we can remove any glass or debris, and vacuum any remaining glass inside the vehicle. Once we do that we place a new door glass and test the regulator to make sure everything functions properly. Then we replace the door panel and vacuum any other remaining glass.
Quarter Glass-
The quarter glass of a vehicle is usually located by the door glass, and also made to shatter, but may at times only crack. This window may be set on hinges and is then also known as a vent window. The replacement of quarter glass is a very easy process and usually dosnt require much clean up